I figured that there would be some doubters over a few of my choices. I’d like to put up some other people’s lists, but I’m going to try and simplify it. These are players that I feel are no-brainers for the 15 greatest:
- Charles Smith
- Billy Knight
- Don Hennon
- Brandin Knight
- Clyde Vaughan
- Sam Clancy
- Sean Miller
- Carl Krauser
- Charles Hyatt
- Larry Harris
Now I also think Demetreus Gore should be on there, but that could be debated. Some of you probably are against Krauser being on this list, but his numbers and what he’s done really make it a no-brainer. But I would like to see others offer their “Final 5” for the list. The most controversy on my picks seems to invlolve Page, Greer, Lane, Shorter.
E-mail the list and something of an explanation and I will post everyone’s Final 5. To help make your decision, take a look at these summaries of all the nominees. Also, here is the record book section from the Pitt media guide (PDF). If you really, fundamentally object to Krauser, make your list 6, but you better offer something convincing as to why someone should be placed above him.
I want to see why you feel one player should be in over another.
I will post the lists and explanations on Saturday afternoon.