Score one for common sense from a court.
Andrew Bourne of Liberty was paralyzed in an accident after a Ball State University Cardinals football game on Oct. 20, 2001. The Cardinals upset the Toledo Rockets and, to celebrate, a crowd gathered and climbed up on one of the posts on the field. Soon the crowd’s weight toppled the aluminum structure. Bourne was hit by the gooseneck of the post.
Two years after the accident, Bourne sued Gilman Gear, a Connecticut company that makes goal posts for high school, college and professional football teams. Bourne claims the structure gave way too quickly instead of bending over slowly in the way he said he was accustomed to seeing on television.
[Emphasis added.]
Yeah, that’s what I always think when you see kids trying to rip down goalposts. That the darn things are just so flexible. Judge David F. Hamilton of the Southern District Court of Indiana ruled for Gilman Gear. No surprise that Bourne plans an appeal.
Link via the blog of the sexiest NY Timesman. Hey, Warren, I never got my copy of RJYH.