Missed bunnies, missed free throws and some unkind iron.
Those are the top three reasons for me that led to Pitt’s 5-point loss yesterday. The officiating sucked, but it sucked both ways so I consider that a wash.
The freshmen looked like freshmen for large portions of this game. This was their first game in a truly hostile road situation (sorry, I can’t count NC State or GT when they were dead or half-empty crowds). It showed at points, and they will learn.
I can’t say I expected Pitt to win this one going into it. I can’t say I’m surprised at the loss. I am, though, disappointed.
What I am not, though, is frustrated.
This team is better than I expected it to be this year. They are playing better than expected. They have proven adaptable and play at different paces and styles.
This is not a moral victory thing. This is simply, not hanging the head and gnashing teeth. The chances were there, they didn’t take them all, but there’s a rematch in February at the Pete against the Orange. There are a lot more games to play.
(Oh, dammit, I just agreed with a Ron Cook column.)