The horrible events at Western Psych yesterday overshadow everything else. Details are still so sketchy. The shooter is dead but still unknown. It’s not believed he was a patient, but he sure wasn’t well. Prayers and good thoughts for the family of Michael Schaab who was killed as well as to the injured. UPMC is not releasing the names of the injured, but is providing updates on their conditions.
A week and a half ago, the shooting took place at Chardon High School. Some 20 miles away from where I live. Everyone around here is still trying to process that. Trying to make sense of the senseless. I don’t know if it’s really possible.
How do you explain a sickness that manifests itself in such a violent way against others? Maybe we learn some details that explain part of it. Individuals with some understanding, education, or training may be able to vaguely comprehend the breakdown. But that final step. That point where the horrible act is performed. When the full break happens mentally. How do you make sense of it?
Even those with extensive background and education. There’s nothing simple and easy to offer in the way of explanation. Or solutions.
The small gestures of wearing ribbons or a band on the wrist doesn’t seem enough. It sometimes feels lacking and not nearly enough to express support and sympathy. But sometimes that is all we can do. Show that we care. That we are not merely nodding our head and making sympathetic sounds. Taking some step to show we care about others and our community.