By far the best comment about what has happened in Morgantown over the past few weeks came from Matt Hinton (Dr. Saturday):
Dana Holgorsen is about to be the first man ever promoted as a result of a story about him being tossed from a casino at 3 am on a Wednesday
It all started with that ill-fated night at the Mardi Gras Casino. Embarrassing, but Bill Stewart thought he finally had an opening to get Holgorsen. He (or a family member) fed stories to a willing media lackey claiming Holgorsen had lots of incidents already hushed up in West Virginia. At least a couple of the stories turned out to be completely false. Amusingly, WVU in announcing their investigation results that revealed falsehoods were very specific about which ones were complete lies, never actually said if any of the other stories were true or false. Just sayin’.