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May 16, 2011

IT Is Meaningless

Filed under: Football,General Stupidity,Media — Chas @ 9:38 am

It came up as it always does in the doldrums of the offseason. It gets picked up by desperate college football media looking for any little tidbit. It gets meaningless controversy going for 15 minutes. It is then forgotten until next year. Rinse and repeat.

I am of course, referring to Pitt-Penn State not playing in football. Usually it is when one coach or the other (and occasionally both) gets asked about it.

Todd Graham being the new guy, and Joe Paterno now a recluse, means Graham gets to get the question this year. Honestly, I don’t even want to read the article.

It’s not that I wouldn’t like to see Pitt and Penn State play annually in football and men’s basketball. It’s that it just isn’t happening for probably at least 10 more years. I see no point in wasting time in that pointless issue given the timeframe.

O.T.: As a follow-up to comments about John Woodruff on the previous thread: Excuse my getting a little philosophical, but one never knows what life has in store. Rev. George would be much more adept in discussing this subject than me.

John Woodruff was gifted with long legs and a beautiful, graceful stride. Several years ago Chancellor Mark Nordenberg, on behalf of the university, honored Woodruff at the Pitt Varsity Letter dinner during Homecoming. Nordenberg apologized to him for Pitt having acquiesced to requests to have him not participate in certain track meets due to his race. Woodruff attended the event in a wheelchair. Both of his legs were amputated at the knees due to diabetes.

link to

Comment by BigGuy 05.16.11 @ 10:19 am

Any truth to the rumor that Paternos been dead for 4 years and they simply wheel him around like Weekend at Bernies?

Comment by Coach Ditka 05.16.11 @ 10:20 am

Thank you, “Big Guy”. That video on Mr. Woodruff was heartwarming. I also appreciated the comments by Herb Douglas and Roger Kingdom. Pitt and yes, the United States are proud of these gentlemen. As for any remarks from me about”life”, I merely say: “Remember, none of us will get out of this alive”. Rev. George

Comment by Rev. George Mehaffey 05.16.11 @ 3:43 pm

Good words Rev. George – I repeat them to others almost daily. Before my time is up, however, I would like to see one more Pitt/Penn State Game!

Comment by Dan 72 05.16.11 @ 4:45 pm

LMAO….Coach Ditka,

Isn’t that a sequel called, ‘Weekend at Happy Valley’. They even put shades(tinted glasses) on Diaper Joe just like they did with Bernie.

The best thing Pitt could do is have an undefeated season, win the National Title and State Penn would come calling to play for certain.
At that point……we tell them we’ll play them at home twice for every visit to Happy(less) Valley.

Comment by melvinbennett 05.16.11 @ 9:08 pm

Good post, Chas. Honestly, I no longer care about Penn State, and in all honesty, neither do most of the Pitt fans I know. WVU is a better rival, and they are consistently more competitive in both football and basketball. So Pitt came out of the Eastern football mess just fine. Probably Penn State did too. They can hate on Michigan State and Nebraska now.

This subject just comes up each summer so that hacks can sell papers to the 60+ gang that still reads newspapers and remembers the good Pitt-PSU years. It isn’t economically feasible to restart the rivalry long term for either Pitt or Penn State. The best we could ever hope for is a few games every few years. But even that won’t happen for at least another decade or two.

Comment by Lee in Altoona 05.17.11 @ 10:09 am

Perhaps Coach Graham got caught in the moment and said what felt right during a Pennsylvania event. The Big 10 is eventually going to a 9-game league schedule and so will the Big East when members figure out which is the 10th team. I have been a harsh Pederson critic but he does deserve credit for beefing up the schedules. Pitt does not need Penn State in football. The basketball situation is the opposite. Penn State would benefit from playing Pitt and their obstinacy in refusing to schedule Pitt hurts them and just shows the childishness of their motivations.

Comment by TonyinHouston 05.17.11 @ 11:58 pm

You don’t need Penn State in football? Wouldn’t it be nice to have the Penn State fans fill your stadium for once?

Comment by Ted 05.24.11 @ 8:01 am

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