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August 19, 2008

Free Mike Cook

Filed under: Basketball,Injury,Players — Chas @ 2:15 pm

I think we need a hostage counter or something.

When even guys who don’t really care about college basketball are taking notice and complaining, it’s getting ridiculous.

Amen brother, Hallejulah, and all that good jazz!

Comment by Dugdog 08.19.08 @ 3:08 pm

In the unedited version the Schwab names every player who has ever petitioned the NCAA for an extra year – – – and he covers every single sport in every division going back to 1974. I think he forgot some guy’s first name from 1985 but he got the rest of the players. On a serious note, will Mike Cook start classes this Fall if no decision is made in hope they approve the extra year?

Comment by C 08.19.08 @ 3:17 pm

It is a f*****g disgrace. The NCAA is a joke.

It is the most inept orginization ever. The do nothing, enforce none of their rules (except when screwing a few good kids over here and there), and yet everyone has to kowtow to their demands. Its unbelieveable.

Comment by Stuart 08.19.08 @ 4:07 pm

The NCAA should be declared ineligible. What they’ve done to Cook is inexcusable. Don’t think for a minute that they’re going to give him an extra year. I don’t see how they can do it after the Mauck ruling without looking like the Morons that they are.

Comment by The Hagen 08.19.08 @ 4:54 pm

It seems that the NCAA did not watch the Duke-Pitt game. If they did then they would have seen the pain on a young man’s face on national television. I am guessing that they also missed the love and respect between a coach and a player and the tears of fans everywhere.

I felt so bad when it happened that it was hard not to ask the higher power for his health to be what it was before he drove to the basket. If they are not going to give him the extra year, then let Mike Cook cry now and have him go on with his life.

This is an easy decision:
1- Watch tape.
2- Watch MSG go dark.
3- Listen to cries, feel comradity.
4- Sign something.

Comment by Panthoor 08.19.08 @ 6:43 pm

amen brotha

Comment by Bob Berto 08.19.08 @ 7:31 pm

The sad thing is that the NCAA is suspending this kid’s life. Either he gets to play basketball or he leaves Pitt and enters the real world.

I can only imagine how stressful it would be to stare at that fork in the road blocked by some committee, probably made up of a bunch of fat slobs who never played a sport in their life.

Comment by Hail2Pitt 08.20.08 @ 9:51 am

Couldn’t agree more. Keep in mind that the longer they wait to even make the initial decision, the less time he has to file an appeal and to be heard if they deny him eligibility.

Comment by johnny 08.20.08 @ 10:35 am

“the longer they wait to even make the initial decision, the less time he has to file an appeal and to be heard if they deny him eligibility.”

that might be exactly what those a**holes are trying to do.

Comment by Snala the Panther 08.20.08 @ 11:19 am

The appeal is what we are waiting to hear about

Comment by Jamie H 08.20.08 @ 1:15 pm

Mike Cook has been denied a 6th year of eligibility by the NCAA according to the Post Gazette.

link to

Comment by Mark 08.20.08 @ 2:39 pm

The NCAA is really garbage at times.

If the were fair, they would count each postseason game. 29% and Mike could play some basketball again. Sad day for him. I wish him the best in life. Hopefully he can find work in the D-League and make a surprising run at the pros.


Jared R. Beiswenger RIP.

Comment by Joshua Panitzke 08.20.08 @ 3:54 pm

You can’t count postseason games. Then a player’s eligibility would be determined by the performance of his team. This would lead to the best teams getting their players eligible more often. You can’t penalize a kid because his team got knocked out in the first round of the conference tournament.

Comment by Jamie H 08.20.08 @ 4:21 pm

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