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October 3, 2007

So Levance Fields is essentially in the clear as long as he keeps his nose clean. Obviously this is good for Pitt basketball. Fields had not been permitted to practice with the team or the coaches since it had happened. He is now, apparently back in the fold. All punishment by Coach Dixon will remain in-house according the brief statement released to the media.

“Over the last three years, I have viewed firsthand the very positive way Levance Fields has conducted himself as a person, student and athlete while at the University of Pittsburgh. The initial report of this incident did not reflect the young man I have come to know.

“We have let the judicial process run its course and acknowledge today’s decision. Levance has been, and will continue to be, held to our team’s disciplinary standards. Those disciplinary actions will remain within the confines of our program. I know he has learned valuable lessons from the experience and will be better for it.”

Did Levance Fields get any extra benefit because he is a basketball player on a top-25 team? Well, the most obvious one was that he was able to hire/retain/use the services of a well-known and very good defense lawyer. It made it easier to negotiate and work with the Allegheny County District Attorney’s office.
That the charges Fields was initially facing,

…aggravated assault, disarming a police officer, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness. The aggravated assault and disarming a law enforcement officer charges are felonies.

Ultimately were withdrawn by the DA and only a simple assault to which Fields pled guilty also suggests that the case wasn’t nearly as strong.
The judge’s role in this case was minimal. Despite the story saying Judge Firestone, “ordered Mr. Fields to be admitted to the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program for first-time offenders,” he was actually approving the deal. The Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program is a Commonwealth program administered at local county levels across the state by the  District Attorney’s office in each county. That means it is primarily at the discretion of the DA to approve an applicant’s request.
I wouldn’t have minded a couple games suspension of Fields as well. The best thing, though, is that the case is already resolved. It isn’t being drawn out and hanging over his and the team’s head for the season. No games at delaying and putting things off. Fields has pled and accepted his punishment/deal.

Pryor just got charged with disorderly conduct at Kennywood for refusing to leave without a refund…

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Comment by Stuart 10.03.07 @ 8:56 pm

A first time offender in Levance’s position will often get an offer of A.R.D. The D.A.’s don’t want to try any cases if they can help it.

Comment by Crackbaldo 10.03.07 @ 11:36 pm

I think its also interesting that Fields was seen by Judge Firestone, who, while he may be impartial, and theres certainly no reason to think he wasn’t, teaches Political Science and Law school classes at Pitt. Its nice to have legal troubles and be able to keep them, essentially, in-house.

Comment by Evan 10.04.07 @ 5:55 pm

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